How do the Coral systems filter water?
The Coral water filtration systems utilize carbon-based filtration technology, dramatically reducing industrial chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, turbidity, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), microorganisms, bad tastes, and odors from your tap water for a healthier home and family.
Is there an automatic water filter replacement reminder system?
Yes, the Coral systems include a chrome faucet with an integrated LED filter change indicator.
Are any tools required for replacing any of my H2O+ water filters?
No tools are required for replacing ANY water filters.
Are my water filters recyclable?
Unfortunately, water filters are made from composite materials and are not recyclable at this time. Please contact your local recycling centers to see if they can assist you with disposal.
Where is it made?
The Coral UC100 & UC300 systems are made in Korea.
Does the Coral reduce fluoride?
No, only the Brondell Circle Reverse Osmosis system reduces fluoride from water and is certified by the WQA (Water Quality Association) for Fluoride reduction.
Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral found in many foods and water. Fluoride helps to promote dental health and has other beneficial qualities when present in small quantities, as found in most municipal water systems, usually in the form of sodium fluoride. However, we realize that some people still want to completely remove fluoride from their drinking water. The Brondell Circle Reverse Osmosis system reduces fluoride from water and is certified by the WQA (Water Quality Association) for Fluoride reduction, while the Cypress, Pearl, and Coral leave the mineral in. It’s very rare to find quality filtration systems (other than reverse osmosis systems) that are capable of removing any substantial amount of fluoride from drinking water. Beware of uncertified claims from manufacturers claiming to remove fluoride with non-RO systems.
Do the Coral systems remove chloramine, lead, mercury, and asbestos?
Yes, the Coral UC300 and UC100 under counter systems reduce chloramine, lead, mercury, and asbestos, and a full list of reduced contaminates can be found HERE.
Why don't the levels of dissolved particles go down or decrease when I use a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) reader to test my water after it goes through the water filtration system?
The Coral water filter systems are not designed to remove beneficial minerals from your drinking water. These minerals (calcium, magnesium and sodium, to name a few) that occur naturally are a healthy part of your drinking water and should remain included in it. Our countertop systems are designed to dramatically reduce water-soluble harmful contaminants, including industrial chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, turbidity, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and microorganisms, most of which cannot be "read" with a TDS reader since they are water-soluble. Contrary to the name (Total Dissolved Solids or TDS Meter), these inexpensive "readers" cannot detect most harmful water-soluble contaminants. There is a major misconception that low TDS readings mean healthy water and that is simply not always true.
The best method for testing the performance of a water filtration device is to have a nationally recognized independent organization, such as WQA or NSF International (which began its tenure as the National Sanitation Foundation), test and certify the products. The certified data is then available in a Performance Data Sheet, which you should request from the manufacturer. For more clarification of what the Brondell water filtration systems do reduce from your water, please see our Certified Performance Data Sheets for the Cypress, Pearl, Coral, and Circle RO System.
Are your filtration systems phthalate- and BPA-free?
Yes, all parts in contact with water are phthalate- and BPA-free.